“Beauty is more important in computing than anywhere else in technology because software is so complicated. Beauty is the ultimate defence against complexity.”
— David Gelernter
How can we call ourselves “evolved” when signs are needed to remind people to wash their hands after they go to the bathroom?
— Caprice Crane (@capricecrane)
“Reality shows are great because they let you watch dysfunctional people without an annoying mirror.”
— Caprice Crane (@capricecrane)
“In a perfect world, you and I probably wouldn’t exists, so let’s not hope for one.”
— Ze Frank, The Show, 18 Apr 2006
When we “solve” copyright problems at the expense of the Internet, we solve them at the expense of 21st-century society as a whole.
— Cory Doctorow, It’s Time to Stop Talking About Copyright
“I don’t understand how the people of Tunisia overthrew their government without me signing an e-petition or changing my Twitter avatar.”
— Matt Bailey (@mattb811)
If you ever code something that “feels like a hack but it works,” just remember that a CPU is literally a rock that we tricked into thinking.
— Ben Driscoll (@daisyowl)
“Git gets easier once you get the basic idea that branches are homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space.”
— Isaac Wolkerstorfer (@agnoster)
“You’re making this too complicated when it’s really quite simple. All you have to do is make the software completely configurable so it can do whatever I need it to.”
— Unknown, from Clients From Hell
“No matter how hard you push and no matter what the priority, you can’t increase the speed of light.”
— R. Callon, RFC1925: The Twelve Networking Truths
“Technology doesn’t make us dumb. It just allows us to make others aware of how dumb we are.”
— Caprice Crane (@capricecrane)
“There are only two things software professionals dislike: the way things are, and change.”
— Tobias Mayer (@tobiasmayer)
“Work like you owe money to a Russian, love like you’ve never looked in the mirror, dance like a drunk badger attacking a hedge.”
— Dolly (@TheDollSays)
If you ever code something that “feels like a hack but it works,” just remember that a CPU is literally a rock that we tricked into thinking.
— Ben Driscoll (@daisyowl)
“If you are using PowerPoint to even 25% of its potential, your presentation will probably suck.”
— Karl Seguin, Goodbye Microsoft Office
“Abnormal: doing something more often than a psychologist would.”
— Tony Atwood, MSc PhD AFBPsS MAPS MCCP
“My writing process: 50 percent pacing, 20 percent snacks, 18 percent furious weeping, 12 percent actual writing.”
— Brendan I. Koerner (@brendankoerner)
It amazes me that the same people that consider “developers” fungible are upset when the resources consider them equally exchangeable.
— Torbjörn Gyllebring (@drunkcod)
“Depression means you cannot enjoy cats on the Internet.”
— Paul Fenwick (watch @pjf’s five minute talk on YouTube)
My personal pet peeve is how many people think the hard part is in the “big and hard problems” or in some fluffy but important-sounding thing like “innovation”. In fact, all the real work is in getting the details right. It’s that “1% inspiration, 99% perspiration” thing. People seem to think that inspiration is the much bigger and important part of the two, but I’ve come to believe that while it’s important to have inspiration, where people actually stumble is when they can’t execute on that inspiration. Inspiration isn’t that rare in the end, but people who have it and then actually follow through… that’s rare.
— Linus Torvalds
“Prejudices about what it means to be a person necessarily exclude those who are not bright on the stage of common action; those who do not welcome the glare of shining, blinding smiles, who do not lean closer to hear the roar and macramé of shouted words, who do not cut themselves and mould their flesh and spirit to fit the narrow human path, funnelling upward without looking back.”
— Dawn Prince-Hughes, Songs of the Gorilla Nation
“No matter what it is I’m doing, there’s always about an 85% chance I’m supposed to be doing something else.”
— Caprice Crane (@CapricecCrane)
“Sometimes there is a silver bullet for boosting software engineering productivity. But you need to shoot the right person.”
— Michael Stal (@stal_m)
When we “solve” copyright problems at the expense of the Internet, we solve them at the expense of 21st-century society as a whole.
— Cory Doctorow, It’s Time to Stop Talking About Copyright
“Git gets easier once you get the basic idea that branches are homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space.”
— Isaac Wolkerstorfer (@agnoster)
“Critical decisions need to be made as late as possible, but before they make themselves.”
— Mary Poppendieck, YOW! 2010