“Words without actions are the assassins of idealism.”
— Herbert Hoover
“Work like you owe money to a Russian, love like you’ve never looked in the mirror, dance like a drunk badger attacking a hedge.”
— Dolly (@TheDollSays)
“When there was only one set of footprints in the sand, that was when I bailed because you wouldn’t stop talking about your gluten allergy.”
— Caprice Crane (@capricecrane)
“Interpretive dance, when it succeeds, is still a failure.”
— Toby Hede, “Things I have learned from a lifetime of failure” Ignite Melbourne 2010
If you ever code something that “feels like a hack but it works,” just remember that a CPU is literally a rock that we tricked into thinking.
— Ben Driscoll (@daisyowl)